Daytrip - Gardens by the bay Singapore

Supertree Grove Canopy walk. Avatar movie inspired supertree

The last time I was in Singapore was in 2014 and during that year, the development of Singapore Nature Park was in construction. Gardes by the bay - a reclaimed land consist of waterfront garden was officially opened in 2012. But the new addition for the park is Gardens by the bay -Supertree Grove.

This is the new attraction of the nature park. Measuring between 25 and 50 metres tall, these iconic tree-like vertical gardens are designed with large canopies that provide shade in the day and come alive with an exhilarating display of light and sound at night. I planned to arrive during sunset to see the color and light transfomation during the day and night. But I only arrived after sunset, it was still a beautiful display of gargantuan man made trees.

I like to think the idea of giant supertree is inspired by Avatar movie. Depicted by its sheer size and indigenous plant species it look similar to that. A walk from the carpark to the attraction was  such a breezy experience. We saw an outdoor mini concert sort of world music performance with Marina Baysand building sets as the backdrop.

Staring the trees in awe, with the beautiful light display it just seem the assembled plants looks like artificial plants and un-real. But they are.

A photo posted by News Media Website (@naeldaily) on

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